A few years ago, Ed Sharpe wrote a long and thorough report about orotates and their benefits. I want to give credit to Ed for the original work as it was one of the most comprehensive reviews of the research I’ve seen. I suggest checking it out for yourself, but to provide a quick introduction, I've created an abridged version below.
What Are Orotates?
Orotates are the mineral salts of orotic acid, a natural substance found in our bodies, dairy products, and other food. Orotates are part of a system of electrolyte carriers that distribute minerals throughout the body. [1] Some orotate molecules can pass through cell membranes without breaking apart, allowing them to be absorbed very efficiently. [2] Because they’re absorbed so well, they make a fantastic delivery system for minerals.
Magnesium Orotate
Of all the minerals, magnesium is one of the most important. It’s helpful for migraines, the upper respiratory system, blood vessel elasticity, and cardiovascular health. [3] Combining magnesium with orotates enhances mineral transport and is superior to other magnesium supplements. [4] [5] [6] [7]
Whenever anyone asks me what's the best way to take mineral supplements, I often give an answer they don't expect, "Orotates!" The blank looks I usually get tell me that further explanation is necessary.